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tv   Ten O Clock News  FOX  September 10, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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>> legality bay area news coverage starts right now. this is the 10:00 news on ktvu channel 2. >> maybing the case. president obama tells a war- weary country tonight the u.s. must be prepared to strike syria if diplomacy fails. >> if we fail to act, the regime will not stop using chemical weapons. >> president obama made a moral case for action in syria tonight. lobbying for support before a national television audience. he called diplomatic talks incouraging but said the use of chemical weapons is a threat to americans. we have coverage tonight,
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gauging reaction. we begin with ken wayne on the president's first address in two years. >> reporter: the president wasted little time explaining why the syrian regime should be held accountable. >> the images from this massacre are sick ening. men, women, children lying in lines killed with poise an gas. >> reporter: president obama said that syria has admitted it has chemical weapons and there's ample proof that president bashar al-assad used gas on their own people. >> they distributed gas masks to troops and fired rockets from a regime controlled area into 11 neighborhoods that the regime has been trying to wipe clean of opposition force snooze the president said failure to act will lead to the spread of chemical weapons by other dictators. >> our troops would face the
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prospect of chemical warfare on the battlefield and it would be easier for terrorist organizations to obtain these weapons and attacks civilians. >> he said that military action would be limited. >> a targeted strike, deterring the use of chemical weapons and degrading president bashar al- assad's capabilities. >> reporter: he said no ground forces would be involved. >> i will not put american boots on the ground in syria. >> reporter: in closing, the president urged members of congress and all americans to watch disturbing images of the victims of the gas attack. >> and ask what kind of world will we live in if we see a dictator violate international law with poison gas and we choose to turn the other way. >> reporter: the president wants congress to postpone the vote on military action while a possible diplomatic action with russia is being pursued. the u.s. military will keep up its pressure on the syrian
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regime and ready to act if other measures fail. >> president obama still has not secured congressional support for the strike. congressman ran paul differed the republican response and says that the plan does nothing to stop the syrian president bashar al-assad. >> the slaughter goes on and he has a conventional weapon advantage in syria. >> house mine or the leader nancy pelosi said that in part the president justly made clear that the threat of military action remains on the table, even as he pursues a diplomatic solution. >> the president made an emotional appeal to skeptical americans. she asked people whether the president was purchase
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persuaded. >> reporter: some said that they thought the speech was eloquent but he failed to convince people and dispointed others saying it was too little too late. >> the images from the massacre are sick ening. >> reporter: more than 300 people packed the room in san francisco, listening intently to the president's call for a strike on syria. >> i thought the speech was very balanced. i thought it was a good approach. >> i thought it was just too late. we should have done something a long time ago. he was forceful. he gave a very good speech. but i don't think it's going to change anything in washington. >> reporter: many said that president obama failed to persuade them. >> he almost convinced me. there's too much that we haven't done. >> i feel it would be doing more harm than good. and that's why he did not convince me at all. >> reporter: this bay area syrian says his friend was two killometers from the attack in syria. he is disappointed that the president is not taking a stronger stand. >> assad has to be punished for
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what he did. my friend saw the children, he saw bodies on the street. >> we don't need to make any more enemies in this world. >> reporter: a vigorous discussion after the speech lasted for more than an hour with syrian activists and a former pentagon official. a syrian says that he is pleased that the president is soft ening his call for a military strike. >> i think he will focus more on the diplomatic solutions. >> reporter: one expert says that president obama's call for ideals doesn't match the plans for a limited military strike. >> i don't think he helped his case to be honest. >> reporter: that expert of stanford says whatever the u.s. does moving forward, there should be more focus on humanitarian aid to refugees in surrounding countries. >> and at we posted more of the address tonight.
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just look for the special crisis in syria section under hot topics. on our facebook page, tell us what you think about u.s. action in syria. join the conversation at ktvu channel 2 on facebook. >> azidessing fell on the mountain, firefighter said they stopped the spread of flame and the fire is now 60% contained. because of the major progress fighting the flames, tonight cal fire lifted the evacuation order for dozens of homes. ktvu carol lou is live with residents as they returned home this evening. >> reporter: the roadshave been reopened and as people were returning to homes, they saw signs like this, it said firefighters rock. his beloved guitar helped scott get through the last few hours of a two-day evacuation. the morgan fire forced him to leave on sunday with little
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more than the clothes on his back. he was allowed to retrieve the guitar and a few essentials today. >> i can't wait to get home. the cot was so-so. >> reporter: cal fire lifted the evacuation order at 6:00 tonight. a friend drove scott from the temporary shelter back to the rv park. >> i had to leave in a hurry. it's kind of messy. it's good to be home. i'll tell you. >> reporter: his neighbors, including patricia wellman and her cat daisy, say it was a relief to see their home still stand. >> it was a little scary because we kept seeing the orangey smoke above the ridge there. and we didn't know really if the wind was going to change, it could come in our direction. >> reporter: the ability to come was particularly meaningful to scott who has had a lot of ups and downs. >> whether you're in a 5- bedroom house or rv, it's home. >> reporter: he moved here only
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a few weeks ago hoping that the quiet open spayings would give him a fresh start. >> it is finally startingto get on my feet again. it's a good feeling. >> reporter: cal fire says better mapping and a more thorough count helped revise the number of homes that were threatened. only 75 homes had to be evacuated and all of those people have now been allowed to go home. >> and more details now on the morgan fire. firefighters now say that fire has burned 3,243 acres. that's actually down from the estimates yesterday. also tonight, cal fire updated the containment. the fire is now 60% contained. the cause is still under investigation. and firefighters say they expect to have the fire controlled by the 17th of this month, which is one week away. >> our cameras got a look at some of the fire-damaged areas
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on mount diablo today. power lines had fallen and could still be energized. at the picnic area, an outbuilding had burned to the ground. but the flames stopped at the summit before reaching the communications towers. if those towers had burned, it could have caused a major blackout and radio communications in northern california. tonight at 10:15, two fire houses targeted by thieves. the thefts that firefighters discovered after returning from the front lines. a los angeles-based company is purchasing the fresh and easy grocery chain. there are about 15 stores in the bay area and 150 stores around the u.s. billionaire ron burkells is buying the chain. details have not been disclosed. an employee at the san francisco store said she heard that store will close. there is also a rocket effort that the san jose store will be
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closing as well. >> awakened with a bang. it wasn't the site of the flames but a loud sound that unsettled entire neighborhoods. the explanation that we received tonight. >> fog rolling in. how much cooler will temperatures be tomorrow. >> an east bay city wants to help struggling homeowners. tonight the city council showdown. will it move forward or be scrapped?
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>> a showdown in richmond
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tonight over the controversial plan to use eminent domain to help struggling homeowners. heather holmes is live at the city council meeting where a lot of people gathered to voice their concerns. heather. >> reporter: in fact so many people that tonight's movie was moved to the auditorium. as expected, the novel idea of using eminent domain to take overthe underwater mortgages is generating lots of debate. >> reporter: to me, what is happening -- snoot auditorium is packed as the richmond city council considers a first in the nation plan to fight foreclosures. >> we are going to stand up to wall street and for our community. >> reporter: the mayor is leading the effort to use the city's eminent domain powers to take over mortgages of more than 600 homeowners currently under water. >> it is not an option to stand on the side lines waiting for the next wave of foreclosures. that is the risk that is really confronting us. >> reporter: but councilman
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bates says if the plan moves forward, richmond will be at risk of losing financially. >> as long as the city has the potential eminent domain, we're not going to get financial institutions willing to lend us any money. >> reporter: banks have already filed a lawsuit. bates plans to vote to kill the idea. >> we just are looking for a principal reduction. >> reporter: they have a $416,000 mortgage. the recent county assessment shows that the house is now worth $130,000. he says that he has asked the bank to modify the mortgage but has been given the run-around. the city's plan is the best chance to keep the house. >> it will be refinanced down to the market value which would make it affordable. >> reporter: they question the use of eminent domain in this way, a power that is usually used for sidewalks, roads and other projects. >> what is next? are they going to take my house and decide they would like to
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have a vegetable garden there. >> reporter: i just checked and there are still about 50 to 60 speakers left to go. it will be a late night tonight and a late vote. reporting live tonight in richmond, heather holmes. >> and more details now. wells fargo and the bank are asking a federal judge in san francisco to block the proposal on grounds that it's unconstitutional. a hearing on the case is set for thursday. >> a bill that would enhance the safety of limousines is moving forward. it's the result of the limo fire on the bay bridge that killed five women. it calls for limousines that carry fewer than ten passengers be required to have two push- out windows and rear doors. drives would need to instruct passengers about the vehicle safety features at the beginning of the trip. the bill passed the assembly today and now returns to the
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full senate for approval. one half of the bay bridge could get a name change as early as tomorrow or possibly by thursday. as we have been telling you, the western span could be called the willie brown bridge after the former mayor. the name changing measure will go to the state senate tomorrow or thursday. it passed the assembly last month. >> a 46-year-old fremont man is behind bars accused of going on a rampage with his car. police say the 46-year-old slammed into several parked vehicles around 8:30 last night. investigators say he then sped away, hitting and injuring an elderly woman in the process. i don't know if this is correct video. officers say that the pursuit ended when the suspect crashed his vehicle into an apartment complex. he was then booked into the jail in dublin and charged with dui and felony hit and run. >> hundreds of firefighters
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have responded to that fire on mount diablo. ktvu has learned while some of the crews were out working, their fire houses were broken into. ktvu christian captain tells us that thieves hit stations 3 and 7 in walnut creek and took some items that are irreplaceable. >> we're thinking that they pride this door open -- pried this door open here. >> reporter: he returned to the station on sunday afternoon to discover a burglar had targeted their station. >> once you go out there and protect other people's property and you come back and find that your own was broken into, it's hard to take. >> reporter: the burglar made their way into the station and then to the dorm area. >> this is one of the areas that they broke into, one of the captain's quarters. >> reporter: the burglar pried open lockers like this one looking for valuables. >> something didn't look right. i looked for my. >> ipad.
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it was missing. they took my watch and ring. >> reporter: not just any ring. >> my wedding ring was taken and so was another firefighter's ring taken. >> we had an attempted break- in. >> reporter: hours later someone targeted station 3, trying to break through this window. >> the crew was in quarters at the time and the captain was asleep in bed when he heard somebody trying to pull off the screen two feet away from him. >> reporter: the firefighters scared that person off and now the county is looking to stop other break-ins the fire district says newer stations have security measures in place to discourage thieves and looking to retrofit older stations to make getting into areas like this more difficult. in walnut creek, ktvu channel 2 news. >> calmer winds are helping firefighters in has at that
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county to get the upper hand on a wildfire there. the clover fire is burning near happy valley. that fire has destroyed 30 homes and forced about 600 people to evacuate. it broke out on monday and is now 40% contained. >> a significant cooldown today. you noticed it out there. temperatures 10 to 15 degrees cooler today than yesterday. the fog has pushed up into the napa valley. a big fog footprint tonight. that means a slightly cooler day again tomorrow. it's windy out there as well. temperatures in the mid to low 60s inland. then along the coast, we have upper 50s and low 60s. as you go through the bay area, micro climates just like today but slightly cooler. look for 70s where there were mid-80s. as we get into the hot spots in the low and mid-80s. if you look hard in the inland
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valleys, you may find 80s. most spots low 80s, upper 70s. slightly cooler day. back here at 10 had 45:00, things are cooling down. then it will warm up again. i will tell you what to expect in the five-day forecast with the weekend in view. >> the city of hercules honored a 29-year-old former wrestler as a hero when he kicked down a door and ran into a burning building to save an elderly neighbor. joe says that he was on his way to play golf on july 20th when he noticed a home on fire. he says because the garage door was opened, he figured there was probably someone inside the house. >> i was banging on the door as hard as i could. no one came. i kicked it open and went through the rooms and found him in the last room. i was just as surprised to see him as he was to see me. >> the 78-year-old had been sleeping in a back bedroom. he brought him outside and then
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realized that do did not speak english and couldn't tell him if someone else was in the burning home. so he then went back inside the home to make sure it was empty. do joined him tonight at the ceremony and said he was very grateful. >> what a special story. >> remarkable young man. >> when you can get apple's two new iphones. plus -- >> it was like a jet engine, a volcano and a locomotive all together at once. >> at 10:30, we investigate the source of mysterious sounds last night that lasted for hours. >> but up first, hundreds of bats swarm a bay area elementary school. what officials are saying about the potential risk of disease. for a store near you go to happy birthday! it's a painting easel!
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the tide's coming in! this is my favorite one. it's upside down. oh, sorry. (woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go. that's why we bought a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent.
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did i tell you i am on the... [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups. [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant ♪ ho ho ho for a store near you go to >> hundreds of bats have been discovered at green mountain elementary school in vallejo and they are trying to reassure both students and parents that
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the campus is safe. this cell phone video shows dozens of the bats flying away from a building on campus. a memo about the bats went home to parents yesterday. the district says the bats are not living inside the building. that's important. they say they're actually living in the trim of the outside. >> the droppings and stuff for the most part are contained within the roof gutter system and are basically flushed down through the storm drain. >> county health officials say bats do not pose a danger unless they are living in the same spaces as humans. >> california can soon become the first state in the nation to ban lead bullets for hunting. the action is heading to the governor's desk. supporters say it would protect wildlife that feed on the remains of those killed by lead bullets. the bill passed the assembly by
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a vote of 44-27. the governor received several bills today that would tighten the rules for gun owners. one measure would require them to store weapons if they live with someone who can't own a weapon because of mental illness or a criminal record. a bill would require gun owners to report lost or stolen weapons within 7 days. >> police today released dash cam video of george zimmerman being detained after his wife called 911 saying that he was threatening both her and her father with a gun. this video shows police ordering george zimmerman to walk backwards and then get on his knees before they handcuff him. hours after the 911 call, zimmerman's estranged wife told investigators she actually did not see a weapon during the dispute. the couple separated last month after he was acquitted in the trayvon martin killing. she was reportedly at his home
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picking up her belongings with her father. >> barbara lee is known for her opposition to military action, including a military strike against syria. if confirmed by the senate, she would attend the general assembly session that begins next week. she would still represent the east bay in congress. >> on wall street, stock markets rallied again today. the dow gained 127 points. the that's damage up 22. investors were relieved that a military strike against syria is not imminent and could be avoided. the dow jones industrial average is undergoing a shakeup. they're being replaced by goldman and nike. they're considered a barometer of the overall stock market. the change is set to take effect on september 23rd. >> a federal appeals do effort
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in san francisco ruled against google and tonight privacy rights advocates are calling it a victory. google street view map project wrongly collected people's information such as e-mails and passwords transmitted over wi- fi. google said it was a mistake. >> a police officer jumps into action and tonight at 10:45, a reunion with the man who he saved. and in five minutes, apple's latest and greatest iphone and the security feature unveiled today. >> but first a noise so loud that it had people calling police. the refinery's response tonight and why some neighbors are still not satisfied. >> a reminder that you can get the news to go. download our app and watch all of the newscasts live on your mobile device.
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>> we are getting answers tonight about a loud noise many people reported feeling a rumbling that put them on edge last night in contra costa county. it prompted calls to police. we traced the issue to the tesoro refinery. >> reporter: it has to do with the flames you that see at the refinery tonight. crews found a small leak and had to burn off excessive gas but that came with a loud noise. that lasted for hours. some didn't know the cause until we told them. some say that it sounded like a jet engine. >> it had a rumbling sound to it. >> reporter: but neighbors say the sound didn't let up. >> it was like a jet engine, a volcano and a locomotive all
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together at once. >> reporter: jim snyder was in his garage with his daughter when the rumbling started last night. >> it got to the point where it was so intense that i was quite concerned for my family's welfare. we were thinking that we need to load up and get out of here. >> reporter: more than two miles away, crews at the refinery were working to fix what managers call a pin-hole size leak in a propane pipeline, burning off excess gas came from a loud noise from a compressor. >> we were not aware at the time that the sound was carrying as far as it did. >> reporter: a manager apologized for the disturbance. but neighbors could not get an explanation last night. >> we called and they said they didn't know anything about it. do you know what happened there. >> i'm not sure what may have happened but we take this seriously. >> reporter: now neighbors want to know why a warning didn't go out to the community. >> we're already on our toes with the mount diablo fire.
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we should be told what is going on. >> reporter: back out here live, the refinery reported authorities last night. neither works or the public were in danger. but the flaring that you see out here and possibly the noise that goes along with it could last for another 48 to 96 hours. we're live in concord, ktvu channel 2 news. >> new developments tonight in a story we first brought you last night during the 10:00 news. a woman caught on video. you see her there apparently abusing three dogs. she has now been arrested. animal control in the south bay confirmed that the woman was taken into custody at a homeless encampment. at this point her name has not been released. an arrest has been made in connection with the murder of a man who was found shot dead near the san jose state university tennis courts on sunday. 62-year-old craig was taken into custody last night. on sunday night, police found a man slumped behind the wheel of a vehicle on east humboldt and
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south 11th street. investigators say the victim wasn't a student and didn't have a university parking permit. the medical examiner's office has the story not released the victim's name. >> apple unveiled new i phones today. one is less expensive than others before and the other has a new security feature. >> reporter: here at apple, the top of the line 5s comes in brush gold, silver and gray, in stores on the 20th. the 5s powerful chip doubles the speed of the current model. >> you really have a pc in your pocket. you have a computing power device in your pocket. >> reporter: when software developers take advantage of that kind of speed, they're going to create a whole new generation of exciting apps that we can't even -- haven't even thought of yet. >> reporter: apple says the improved rapid flash technology
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takes clearer pictures as well as real time and slow motion video. a fingerprint reader on the button for one or several users. >> the fingerprint sensor, that was a surprise to me. i have never seen one that works. they seem to be confident. >> reporter: the lower-priced 5c, cheaper plastic encased iphones in blue, pink, yellow, green and white. these are geared towards picking up buyers unable to play for the aluminum case models. >> it's the same phone as you get in the 5 currently. >> you get the same phone for less money and a bit more funkiness. >> having a pallet of colors gives one many choices. >> reporter: apple shares closed down today. they are now about 200 points
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lower than the record set a year ago at over 700 points. >> and more details now. apple also announced today that its next mobile operating system will be available as a free download to iphone and ipad users beginning september 18th. it features a software design with new colors, icons and animations. >> tomorrow is the 12th anniversary of a horrible day in this nation's history. it will be remembered all across the country, including in pennsylvania which is where flight 93 crashed. laniards were set up today to honor the passengers and crew of flight 93 who fought back against the hijackers. flight 93 was headed to san francisco at the time. union city has a flight 93 memorial scheduled at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow with some of the families of the heroes on board. the san francisco fire
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department is planning a remembrance at all 43 fire stations. they start at 6:45 to mark the exact moment that the first plane hit the trade center. and la fayette has a candle light vigil tomorrow. >> president obama will attend one at the pentagon. another will be held in new york city. this evening, the world trade center tribute lights were tested. they simulated bowl eyes the twin towers that fell. the freedom tower is now rising. the $3 billion project is almost complete. workers feel proud to help build it. >> rescued after collapsing at the airport. >> he saved my life. i had to thank him. i had to shake his hand or something. >> the life-saving action of a police officer. >> a mild pattern settles in for a few days. but temperatures in the 90s are not far away. which day we will see the heat return. >> in three minutes. >> i wish i could say thank you for what you taught me.
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>> students remember a beloved professor killed when his apartment caught fire. ♪ for a store near you go to did nana ever give you cheerios when you were a little kid?
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yeah, she did. were cheerios the same back then? cheerios has pretty much been the same forever. so...when we have cheerios, it's kind of like we are having breakfast with nana... yeah... ♪ yeah. you're so smart.
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for a store near you go to >> state lawmakers took a step today to end traditional standardized testing putting them at odds with the federal government. students could also use computers to take the tests. top federal education officials have threatened to withhold federal funds if that proposal becomes law. >> a group of activists suing uc berkeley for $15 million claiming police brutal went before a federal judge today. this is video of the protest in question from november 9th, 2011. members of the group known as by any means necessary say they were beaten during this protest
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by members of the campus police department and alameda county sheriff deputies. the university is trying to get the lawsuit dismissed. but organizers say the university needs to be held accountable. >> it wasn't just a few rogue police. they acted in a coordinated fashion at the orders of and following a policy that had been planned weeks ahead of time by uc berkeley's administration. >> the university said what happened during the protest does not reflect its values. it says the actions were legally justified. and we are learning more tonight about a university of san francisco professor killed today in an early-morning fire. >> ktvu amber lee is in berkeley near where the fire happened with how the professor is being remembered this evening. amber. >> reporter: frank, the cause of the fire here at this apartment building is still under investigation. tonight, those who knew the professor who lived here said he left a wealth of knowledge
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to his students. usf is in warning for andrew goodwin who taught here for 20 years and cofounded the media department. >> he was a very great teacher. you ask him one question and he will answer it like ten times more than what you expected. >> reporter: chris moore is a former student of goodwin. the 24-year-old says that the professor was quote edgy and challenging. goodwin studied taught a class about the band. >> that was his fashion. >> reporter: mike weber described goodwin as a brilliant teacher who loved his family, friends and students. >> i was proud to call him a colleague and even more proud to call him a friend. >> reporter: the self-described
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professor of pop lived on the third floor of this berkeley apartment building that caught on fire early this morning. firefighters found him inside. he later died of injuries at the hospital. the professor influenced way that he listens to music and how he views the world around him. >> i wish i could say thank you for what you have taught me and it's unfortunate that i haven't gotten the chance to say thank you to him. >> reporter: usf officials say they're working on a memorial for goodwin. the popular professor is survived by a grown son. amber lee, ktvu channel 2 news. >> a change in our weather in five minutes, our chief meteorologist is back with the trend that you're going to notice. >> it means a lot. >> a san jose man says thank you to the officer who saved his life. their heart-felt exchange up next.
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>> for a san jose police officer, it was his first time using one particular piece of equipment and in this case it was a life-saver. a special reunion between the officer and a very grateful citizen. >> reporter: robert gail is a 23-year-old veteran of the san jose police department. he got a chance to make a special stop to see the man whose life he saved. >> it is a pleasure to meet you. thank you. the first face i saw when i woke up. >> good. i'm glad you woke up. >> reporter: dale respond today an emergency call of a man having a possible heart attack at san jose airport yesterday and used this aed to help revive 43-year-old frank michael nunez and get him to the hospital. nunez remembers being stressed about his flight schedule and leaving his girlfriend but then just remembers waking up on the
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floor. >> the first time that i've ever had to use an aed to help someone come back. everything worked great. >> it was -- i guess it certainly did work great. never -- you think you're 100% healthy and some things are just unforeseen, i guess. the next thing you know, you're on your back and being brought back to life. >> reporter: both say the visit was important. >> proud moment for me to be able to save someone's life and communicate with them after. >> he saved my life. i had to thank him and shake his hand or something. it means a lot. it just means a lot. >> reporter: nunez feels well enough to resume travel plans but tends to take things a lot slower. in san jose, ktvu channel 2 news. >> san francisco has filed a suit against the city of nevada
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for patient dumping. the suit is against nevada, state agencies and the psychiatric hospital in las vegas. nevada officials have denied any improper patient discharges. >> $565 million. that's how much pg&e will pay due to the san bruno pipeline explosion and fire three years ago. the utility released the figure in a filing yesterday. it includes $455 million pg&e already agreed to pay, plus 110 million estimated from recent settlements and plans. it still needs to reach settlements in two cases. the third anniversary of that explosion and fire was yesterday. drastic changes could be coming to van nuys avenue in san francisco and they're not without controversial. the transportation agency moved forward with a plan dedicated for bus lanes on two of the six lanes of traffic on van ess. the goal is to speed up mass transit but it will come with a
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cost. all left-hand turn lanes except broadway, many bus stops and parking spaces would be lost. >> parking is horrendous as it is. and now they're going to take away 40 parking places. >> it would relieve some of the traffic congestion. >> they hope to have the dedicated lanes in five years but that plan is not final. >> clint eastwood and his wife are divorcing. it was filed on monday. the eastwoods married in 1996 and spent much of their marriage out of the public eye. clint eastwood who is 83 years old has not made a public comment on the matter. >> las vegas does most things big. now it has the world's largest feris wheel. it's called the high roller at
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55 stories tall. it is going up between flamingo and harrahs. one revelation takes about half an hour. it is posed to open in about four it is supposed to open in about four months. >> temperatures cooled off today. a good 10 to 15 degrees in a lot of places. we were doing triple digits yesterday. 85 in livermore today. that was way down. 78 in fairfield. temperatures took a tumble today which was much to the delight of many firefighters in the area. it makes a big difference. look what is happening now. that's the fog. already into the east bay. it's deep enough, the marine layer, that the fog will get up into the delta and the santa rosa area. when you wake up tomorrow, we have a lot of fog. that will lead to a slightly cooler day. what is bringing that in quickly is the winds. strong winds up towards
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fairfield. 32 miles per hour sustained winds. all of that air pushing into the bay and helping firefighters throughout the bay area and the northern portion of the state. temperatures are going to take a tumble. temperatures tomorrow will be very similar to today. but slightly cooler. as we look at the numbers, we're going to see overnight lows mostly in the upper 50s and low 60s. we're checking out fog tonight. burns off slow tomorrow. some sunshine. plenty of sunshine but not as warm as today. slightly cooler tomorrow. forecast into the fog. it's everywhere. all the way up into the delta and then it burns off and stays at the coast. you have temperatures, oranges are 80s. look at sacramento valley. you're in the 80s tomorrow. maybe upper 80s but a lot of 80s. these are the forecast highs for wednesday. boy, a big departure. what a big difference 24 hours makes. we're looking into the forecast
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tomorrow. significantly cooler than yesterday. in the santa clare avalley, 74. 73 in fremont. air quality much better. we had the smoke alert advisory from the fire. but the winds are significant enough that it's mixing all of that out. if you were bothered by the air, it shouldn't be a problem. it should be a nice day tomorrow. mild temperatures. cooler than today. and then they ratchet up on thursday. on friday, temperatures -- you will notice that bump up in numbers. saturday, they trend down again. good looking forecast. this time of year, fire danger is always on the tip of our tongues. again, much needed break. julie, you were out at the fires. you knew how hot it was. having this 15 to 20-degree drop in temperature helped out. >> thanks, bill. >> firefighters needed that
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too. a good break for them. it is not looking good for home teamer cal usa in the america's cup. at one pointer cal was away but then experts say the crew made a tactical area and was defeated. they called a timeout for the second race. team new zealand needs five more wins and oracal needs ten more wins. it's just incredible to watch those. >> mark is off tonight. joe is here. we're talking baseball. not a great night for the a's. >> they lost their game but they did not lose any ground to the texas rangers. alberto at the plate for the a's. minnesota with a run ear board. he gets him. pitched just like that. the a's go from being one run down to one in front. parker trying to keep the twins in check. one more in the 6th but might
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have had more. he flies out to center. tries to tag up from 1st. not a go decision. he is thrown out by presley and the inning is over. the a's took a 3-2 lead to the 8th. cook on the mound. josh willingham did this. this is a tape measure shot. second homer of the night and enables the twins to pull out a win and end the winning streak at three. they stay two games up on the rangers who lost tonight to the pirates. the giants are playing out the string but at least giving fans their money worth in terms of hours on the field. here is an old baseball truck. a wad of come on unsuspecting person. they started out on top of the rockies. they jumped on the rockies. it hits the foul pole. that's a three-run homer. giants build a 6-0 lead until the 5th. pinch hitter ryan wheeler with
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a base hit. they're still going now. the game is 8-8 in the 8th. hector sanchez was the hero to the unsuspecting photographer who he let in on the joke. the u.s. soccer team trying to clench a spot in the world cup. could the u.s. hang on? we will show you how it turned back when we come back. can help your family keep good going.
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retirement solutions from new york life can help you keep good going.
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>> it is the world's game. the united states team was trying to qualify for the world cup for the 7th straight it time. u.s. against mexico. leading 1-0 in the second half. a beautiful pass in front of the goal. it makes it a 2-0 game. that was the final score. the u.s. win and a tie. that means that they will be in the world cup in brazil. for the first time since 1972, one of the traditional powers will be playing the cal bears in berkeley. a true freshman at quarterback for cal. after two college games, jared and only the nation's leader in
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passing. averaging 467 yards a game and completing 63% of his passes. the buckeyes are 2-0, ranked number 4 in the country. it won't be like anything that he saw at marine catholic high. >> i don't know how to compete them but they're top five in the country. they're doing something right. their defense is very physical and athletic. we're ready for the challenge. >> and history repeating itself in detroit. the lions is in trouble with the nfl. on sunday he made this interception against the vikings. sue made an illegal block. the penalty nullified the touchdown. sue was find $100,000 today. he has been fined three other times for his hits on quarterback. >> that's a serious fine. >> the highest for something that happened on the field i think in the history of the nfl. >> thank you, joe.
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>> sure. >> thank you for choosing ktvu channel 2 news. >> the morning news begins at 4:30 tomorrow morning. we will have news, weather and traffic to get you out the door. we're always here for you on >> good night.
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george, i can't have sex. with me or in general? ay. i have mono. ...nucleosis. oh, i hope that's not a problem for you. no. nah. good. so how long is this not going to be a problem for me? 6 weeks? yeah. 6 weeks. well, so what? you've gone 6 weeks before. hey, i can do 6 weeks standing on my head. i'm like a sexual camel. that's not the point. at least there was the possibility. well, so you gonna break up with her?


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